Lockhart Munitions started out in the spring of 2012 as a quest to find a small scale hobby. Ever the consummate craftsman, owner Ben Lockhart has always been interested in finding new projects to satisfy his desire to create something with his hands. In the past most of his free time had been consumed with things like; custom built furniture, customizing trucks, cars and motorcycles, and custom fabrication or refinishing of random projects such as guitars, firearm parts, antiques, and jewelry for family and friends. After moving to a new house without immediate access to a large scale shop as he had in the past, he was looking for something to tinker with in the house after his day job, father and husband roles were winding down for the day. After searching the web for a DIY project that appealed to him, he decided to start making Kydex holsters. With his modest handgun collection combined with those of his close family members, he could justify a small investment rather than just making one holster for one gun.
He soon found it to be a fun and rewarding process. His desire to be able to keep producing led to the idea to talk with Modern Outfitters. Modern Outfitters is a local outdoor gear and apparel/guns and equipment store who he knew to sell gear and items on consignment. He was just looking to see if they would be interested in letting him put a few holsters in their store from time to time. The reaction was overwhelming. Not only did they want to put them on the shelves, they wanted to form a partnership to offer his holsters exclusively through them!
The next steps were coming up with a branding and working on design details. So Ben came up with a concept, designed a logo, and recruited his adorable wife Amanda to help with packaging using her amazing skills as a seamstress. After a few prototypes, a deal was made and we soon found the hobby was turning into a business.
Having access to the products, staff, and storefront presence of a quality firearms dealer such as Modern Outfitters provides us with several unique advantages:
Since startup we have been busy trying to keep our retail partner in supply with standard designs and still taking custom requests from customers who might have a request for a holster that has been difficult, if not impossible, to find for their rig. We are working vehemently to quickly develop processes and designs that will result in new industry standards for custom holster design and product lead times. We have a feeling that the holsters will only be the beginning. We have a lot of ideas and projects we are looking at. We have already started to delve into the world of custom firearm coatings. In the future we hope to be able to offer even more products and services, so be sure to keep your head on a swivel.